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Which Zoe strollers are infant compatible?Updated 4 months ago

All of Zoe's current model strollers are rated for children 3 months and up. With the addition of a Car Seat Adapter, the Zoe TourTwinᵛ², and Trioᵛ² can work for your infant from day 1! (Keep in mind, The Twinᵛ¹ double stroller is not compatible with infant car seats)

Our Car Seat Adapter allows you to fit specific car seats with a simple click. This fantastic lightweight adapter will easily take you and your baby safe from the car to the stroller and on to your next adventure.

Learn more about the Car Seat Adapter here

Our Tour stroller is compatible with the Graco & Chicco adapter but it is not compatible with the Nuna, Maxi Cosi, Cybex and Britax car seat adapter.

Tour with the Graco & Chicco Car Seat Adapter

The Twinᵛ² is compatible with both the Graco & Chicco car seat adapter as well as the Nuna, Maxi Cosi, Cybex and Britax car seat adapter. (Reminder, The  Twinᵛ¹ double stroller is not compatible with infant car seats)

Twin V2 with the Nuna Car Seat Adapter

Our Trioᵛ² is compatible with the Graco & Chicco adapter but it is not compatible with the Nuna, Maxi Cosi, Cybex and Britax car seat adapter. 

Trio V2 - Pictured with no Car Seat but compatible with the Graco & Chicco Car Seat Adapter

Download our compatibility here.

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