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Stroller Disposal ProcedureUpdated a year ago

In order to ensure that the damaged stroller is not a safety risk and cannot be used by anyone else, we ask that you follow our stroller disposal procedure. 

1. Please cut all of the harness straps and the folding strap off of your damaged stroller. 

2. Next, please take photos of the stroller with the straps cut off and either upload photos to the appropriate form or email us with those photos. 

3. After you have done this, the stroller should be thrown away. You are welcome to keep the wheels, canopy, shoulder pads, bellly bar and basket as backups.

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We're here to help you every step of the way. If you have questions of any kind, reach out. 

Find us on chat most weekdays, text us (866-701-1720), or send us an email ~ [email protected].

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