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Prep like a pro for Disney ✨Updated 2 months ago

The Frozen soundtrack has been playing for weeks, you finally found that pair of Mickey ears, and your bags are packed. It’s time to go to Disney! Of course, this is such an exciting trip, but there are also lots of moving parts. It’s important to have everything you need for your big adventure, and part of that is packing your stroller properly! 

Keep reading - this article is full of all things Disney prep 🏰✨

Make sure you bring a Disney-approved stroller

Lucky for you, all current Zoe strollers are Disney-approved! Phew! (Review Disney stroller guidelines here).

Must-have products 

Double organizer packed with water bottles, snacks for everyone, extra pacis, wipes (for all the things), portable sound machine, hand sanitizer, and whatever makes the world go round for your family. The zip-top on this organizer is a game changer for keeping your items secure and for seamless transitions anytime you have to fold the stroller. 

Mesh bags - use these for any larger items that you'll need to access all day long. We recommend using these for baby carriers (helpful for lines), mickey ears, extra clothing layers, bubble wands (you know you're going to buy one), and yes... more snacks.

Carry strap - adding this strap to any Zoe stroller simplifies those situations where you do need to fold & tote your stroller, as it frees up your hands to wrangle kids, bags, and anything else.

Rain cover - sometimes you have a beautiful day at Disney with no clouds in the sky, and other times you get caught in a torrential downpour (and sometimes both in the same day!) The one thing you absolutely don’t want is a soaking wet baby, and the rain cover will give you peace of mind knowing that no matter what, you kids will always stay dry (and your stroller will be protected).

Pack Like a Pro

Looking for even more help loading up your stroller? Our Zoe moms who have been to Disney curated this list of items to pack on your stroller for a full day at the park: 

Rain Gear

Compact flat packing cubes are perfect and it can easily slide under the stroller and everything stays contained!

Food, drinks, and snacks!

Disney is one of the only parks where you can bring your own food and drinks. If you’re bringing a stroller, you already have the perfect place to store snacks, so this is an amazing way to save money and keep your family happy for a long day at the park. 

While some families may opt to bring in and prepare all of their own food for the day, this is a good plan if you plan to eat meals at the park.

  • 2-3 snacks per family member (or more if your toddler's entire diet is snacking)
  • Bottles & pouches for baby
  • Refillable water bottles for the whole fam
  • 2-3 additional filled water bottles & electrolyte packages to stay hydrated

For snacking in the stroller and on the go, the Zoe snack tray (available for every stroller) is a game-changer. If you don’t have the snack tray, make sure you pop on the child cup and snack holders that come with the Twin & Tour! 

Everything Else

You already know how to pack a diaper bag like a champ, but you may need a few extra things for a long day of park-hopping. Here are our favorite 'extras' to throw in just in case: 

  • Change of clothes & sweatshirt for everyone
  • Baby carrier
  • Baby teethers/toys
  • Portable white noise machine
  • Sunglasses
  • Mickey ears + hats
  • Extra wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Gum/mints
  • Medicine kit for adults and kids
  • Band-aids
  • Chapstick
  • Sunscreen
  • Spare phone battery
  • Pack-flat bag for easy load/unload

Let’s talk transportation

There are so many different ways you can get to and from the Disney parks, and if you’re park-hopping, that adds another layer! If you’re traveling with a single stroller (like the Zoe Tour or Traveler), you’ll have no problem strolling on and off Disney transportation with ease, keeping your stroller open. 

Get prepared for any scenario by knowing your transportation plan. Some resorts connect to the parks via Monorail, while others use the Skyliner. If you know your resort, you can make plans for your *primary* method of park transportation. If you’re staying off-property, you’ll need to be prepared for your car transportation and anything else you'll be using to go between parks during the day.

Pack your stroller strategically

Whether or not you think you’ll have to fold your stroller, we recommend you bring a large pack-flat tote with you, and try to pack the contents of your storage basket into a few contained/zipper bags (we love packing cubes for this purpose!). Anytime you reach a transportation scenario where you need to fold your stroller, you can quickly unload your storage basket into the tote, zip up your stroller organizer, and fold the stroller with ease. Once you reach your destination, you can unload the bag and be ready to enter the park in just a minute or two. If you’re driving to the parks, this is also a great strategy for making your car load/unload seamless, saving you precious time at the park!

Prep for security

While you’re not required to fold your stroller to enter the park or go through security, you will be asked to unload all of the contents for security screenings. Depending on how you’ve packed your stroller, this can feel stressful. If you’ve followed our guide for packing with folding in mind (above), you’ll also feel confident going through security. You can speed up your screening process by unloading your stroller storage basket into a pack-flat tote and handing the contents of your stroller to the security agent. If everything is loosely packed, this process can be cumbersome and time-consuming. 

Stroller parking at the park

Is it hard to find your stroller?

It’s true - there are probably more strollers at Disney than at any place you’ve ever been! There are many stroller parking areas throughout the park, but in a sea of mostly black strollers, it can be tricky to find yours when you return to it. 

Choosing a unique colored stroller (i.e. not black) like Zoe’s Sand, Luxe Grey, or Forest can be a great way to make your stroller easier to locate when you hop off a ride or return from a character meal. If you do choose a black or dark-colored stroller, a pop of color on the handlebar like a flag or a sign can help!

I’ve heard that strollers often get moved. Could I lose track of my stroller?

While it’s true that strollers can get moved, they typically don’t get moved far. Moving strollers is typically done for one of two reasons: consolidating stroller parking areas as strollers come and go, and if your stroller is improperly parked. 

If your stroller has been moved, check with a nearby cast member, tell them where your stroller was parked, and ask where it may have been moved to. You should be able to find your stroller with no issues. 

Can I take strollers into restaurants/buildings?

The general rule at the parks is that strollers are not allowed inside of buildings, with a few exceptions. You may be able to take your stroller in if your child is asleep, and you can confidently take strollers into the baby centers. Ultimately, don’t count on taking your stroller inside of restaurants or indoor spaces, but look for designated stroller parking areas nearby. You can always ask a cast member for specific directions. 

✨Check out our blog for even more packing & Disney Tips!✨


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